Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Fuckin Earthquake

Yesterday I finished a blog that I'd been trying to write for days. I would start it then stop, not really knowing what to say or how to move forward. The same could be said for my life here in Tokyo. I simply didn't know how to move past this. What was the next step? Was now the time to leave?

Then my Japanese friends reached out. They don't have the option of leaving, they're here for better or for worse and they're not letting this beat them.

To quote a good friend "Japanese people are strong. We will never be beaten by a f***in earthquake!" (Thanks Datch, you made me smile with that).

I still haven't decided what to do. It may still be best to pack up and leave, but for now it's a sunny day in Tokyo and I'm not about to be beaten by a f***in earthquake.

Big thank you's to Yukki, Azusa, Shizuko, Tomoo, Kayo, Kazumi and Datch. Where would I be without you?


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